How to Remove Hard Water and Shower Stains

Fighting hard water stains in the bathroom? Use our step by step guide to remove hard water and shower stains in the bathroom.

With how often the bathroom is used in every household, it’s no wonder they can be difficult to clean. Hard water stains frequently return and lead to a frustrating cleaning experience. Lets simplify the process and walk through each step so that you can enjoy a cleaner bathroom.

Hard Water in Shower/Tub

With water running frequently in bathrooms, hard water stains are sure to follow. Pay attention to the color of the stains in the bathroom to treat them effectively. Find a detailed guide for cleaning shower tile here.

Yellow Stains

Yellow stains can appear in the tub/shower, faucets or shower curtain usually caused by hard water, body oils or from mildew build up. 

For a basic clean, you’ll need the following supplies:

  • Rubber gloves
  • Warm water with a squire of dish soap (dish soap solution)
  • Spray bottle with half dish soap solution, half white vinegar

Spray on stains, let it sit for 5-10 minutes, scrub, rinse and repeat if necessary.

If stains persist, try a more aggressive approach:

  • Make a paste with 2 parts baking soda to 1 part hydrogen peroxide. Create a paste that is spreadable but not runny.
  • Spread it on the stain and let it sit for 10 minutes.
  • Scrub with a soft sponge or brush.

You can also lay a damp towel soaked in vinegar on the stain and let it soak for hours or overnight. Follow with scrubbing and a hot rinse.

Pink Stains

Pink staining in the bathroom usually comes from the bacteria Serratia Marcescens. Staining is often found in toilet bowls, shower curtains, around drains, or on bathroom walls. 

Since pink stains are a form of mold, it’s important to wear protective gear when cleaning. Grab some rubber gloves, a face mask, and eye protection. Luckily, pink mold can be cleaned with non-toxic ingredients:

  • Liquid dish soap 
  • Distilled white vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Spray bottle
  • Scrub brush

Before cleaning, turn on the exhaust fan and open any windows to improve air circulation while you clean.

  1. If there is any pink/orange coloring on the shower curtain, throw in the washing machine or wash it by hand.
  2. Rinse areas with pink staining in the hottest water possible.
  3. Make a paste with 4 parts baking soda and one part liquid dish soap.
  4. Use a brush to scrub the stained areas and rinse.
  5. Mix 1 part water with 1 part vinegar in a spray bottle. 
  6. Apply to the entire shower/tub and let it sit for 10 minutes. Scrub any visible stains and rinse.

How to Prevent Pink Mold

  • Rinse the walls of the shower with hot water after each use to reduce soap residue.
  • Wipe down walls with a towel or squeegee after each use.
  • Only use bath rugs that dry quickly and have antibacterial properties.

Faucets and Shower Heads

If you’re noticing white building up around or on your faucet, some vinegar can go a long way to make it look new again.


  • Paper towels or rags
  • Vinegar
  • Soft, non-scratching sponge

Soak a paper towel or rag in vinegar and place it directly onto any areas that have hard water build up. Let it sit for 30 minutes and then scrub the areas with a sponge. Repeat steps if necessary until hard water is gone.

Ever noticed the water pressure in your faucet is uneven or less powerful? This is likely caused by hard water deposits on the faucet aerator. Take a look at the tip of your faucet and you’ll likely find build up. To fix the water flow you’ll need the following supplies:

  • Plastic bag, rubber bands, vinegar, sponge.
  1. Test the plastic bag over the tip of the faucet and fill up with vinegar until the faucet tip is submerged.
  2. Secure with rubber band(s) and leave overnight.
  3. Remove the bag and run hot water to flush out mineral deposits stuck inside.
  4. Use a sponge to wipe clean. You can also clean out any small holes with a toothpick.
  5. Turn hot water back on. If any residue remains, use a toothbrush dipped in dry baking soda.
  6. Repeat as needed.

How to Keep Hard Water Away

Regular maintenance and cleaning is key to preventing hard water build up throughout your home. If there is no water softener in the home, have one installed. If there is still hard water stains with a water softener, make sure it is working properly and maintain it regularly

How to Maintain Water Softener

If you find hard water build up, check each of these items to ensure your water softener is working at its best:

  • Use quality salt and check salt levels regularly.
  • Clean the brine tank every 6-12 months, do this when the salt supply is low.
  • Clean the venturi valve with soapy water twice a year.
  • Inspect the resin tank for leaks.

How Often to Clean Shower Head

Whenever the water flow is reduced, the showerhead should be cleaned immediately. To prevent reduced water flow, set a reminder on your phone to clean it at least once a month. Regular cleaning means less mold and bacteria growth inside the shower head.

If you find that your bathrooms still need extra attention, give us a call today. We are happy to give you a cleaner bathroom and home to enjoy!