How to Keep the House Clean with Kids

Feeling overwhelmed with a messy house? Read these tips and learn how to keep the house clean with kids!

First, it’s important to let go of unrealistic expectations and accept that a home with kids will never be 100% tidy. However, there are several tips to keep the mess under control in a house with children. Put in the work to change some habits, and you’ll be on your way to a cleaner home!

Start with Decluttering

Less stuff in your home means less to clean! Make an effort to declutter one area of your home each week and donate any unused items. Take a look at our clutter tips to get started on decluttering areas in your home.

Follow the Two-Minute Rule

Ever noticed a small task that needs attention but skipped it to do something else? The two-minute rule keeps you from adding tasks to a never ending (or imaginary) list. 

How it works: if you see a task that needs to be done (like wiping down a shelf in the fridge) and it would take 2 minutes to deal with then take care of it immediately. 

Tackling small tasks when you see them prevents them from turning into bigger problems.

Clean as You Go

Create a habit of putting things away throughout the day rather than leaving it to pile up. Cleaning as you go is a great habit to teach little ones. First model the behavior by putting dishes or food away when you are done using them. When your child is done with a toy or item, encourage them to put it away immediately. 

Keep reinforcing the habit of cleaning as you go and eventually they will do it on their own without thinking about it.

Involve Children

When children are involved in cleaning the house, they are more likely to keep it clean. Teaching them to do age-appropriate chores gives them a chance to contribute and learn useful skills. Take a look at all the age appropriate chores here.

Complete Daily Chores

Create a system of daily chores to keep your home tidier. Daily chores should be short tasks that are easy to complete. If you aren’t sure where to start, use these 5 daily habits for a tidy home. 

Quick Clean Before Bed

Involve your family in a quick tidy session before bed. Put away any items sitting out like the remote, clothes, homework, toys or any small items. Make sure to look for lingering dishes or crumbs as well. 

Taking a few minutes before bedtime will help each morning start off cleaner.

Minimize Clothes

One of the best ways to keep your kids’ rooms clean is to have the right number of clothes, not too few or too many. Buy enough sets of clothes that will last for a full week with a few pairs in case of spills (8-9 sets for each season). With less clothes, laundry is easier to do only once a week.

Rotate Toys

Toys multiply quickly over time and it’s difficult to keep them organized. After a decluttering session, set up a toy rotation that will help them stay organized. Put similar toys into a box or bin and store them away. 

Rotate toys on a schedule that works for your family such as weekly, monthly or even daily as needed.

Accept Your Stage of Life

Even after applying each of these tips, your home will still have messes. Depending on the age of your children, a ‘clean’ home will look different from house to house. Take a deep breath and accept this stage of life with kids. Do what you can to stay organized and provide a clean environment for your children, then let go of what you can’t control. Consider hiring a professional to help clean your home as needed.

If you’re looking to jump ahead to a cleaner home with no effort, schedule a cleaning with us today. Give yourself the gift of a clean home to enjoy with your family!