The Ultimate Guide to a Clutter-Free Home
Looking for a clutter solution that actually works? Check out our guide to a clutter-free home!

Have you ever felt stuck in a spiral of clutter? Ever wonder where to start to get the job done? The most important thing to remember when it comes to clutter, is to make decluttering a daily habit. If you want clutter to stay away, you need daily habits that will keep you from spiraling back.
Start Here
Clearing the clutter can feel a lot more manageable after starting with a few simple tasks. If you aren’t sure where to start, pick a few from the list below.
- Create a Clutter-Free Zone: Pick an area in your home (kitchen table, counter, dresser) that you want to keep clutter free and make a rule that nothing can be placed there that’s not actively being used. Make extra effort to keep that area clear and then expand to a new area that can be added as a clutter free zone.
- Pick up 5 things and find places for them. There are usually items that get used but don’t seem to have a home. Think about where to put them and designate a convenient spot to find them.
- Start with one counter. To have a clean and appealing home, all flat spaces should be clear of clutter. Start with one counter and clear everything off. Keep only one or two essential items out and move the rest.
- Visualize the room. Take a moment to look at the room and dream about what you want it to look like. Keep what’s essential and identify items that dont belong.
- Clean a drawer. Take everything out of the drawer and sort into three piles: items that belong in the drawer, items that need to be moved, and items to toss. Organize essential items back in the drawer and then take care of the other two piles right away.
Keep up the Momentum
Now that you’ve started decluttering, it’s time to keep the momentum going.
- Work on one space at a time. Pick a small area and make it another clutter-free space. Do this every day for short periods of time.
- Organize papers. Since papers tend to create a lot of clutter, designate a specific space for them. Grab a tray or folder system that can hold all the papers that come in, then find a room to keep it in. Keep it in the office or tucked away in a drawer.
- Follow a 30-day list. Clutter will keep coming back if we are always buying new items. To avoid impulsive buys, make a 30-day list and every time you want to buy something that isn’t essential, add it to the list with the date next to it. Then follow this rule: don’t buy anything (except necessities) unless it’s been on the list for 30 days. This will even help you save money!
- Use a “maybe” box. If you aren’t sure about keeping something because you may need it later on, place it in a “maybe” box. Then tuck the box away and come back to it in a couple months (put a reminder in your phone). If you haven’t used an item during that time, toss it or donate it.
- Involve your family. Having a clutter-free home is only possible if everyone helps. Teach your kids where items belong and be patient as you remind them. Over time, they will form a habit of putting things away. Take time to talk to your significant other as well and explain your goal to live more simply. Avoid nagging and keep the conversation positive.
Now it’s time to take these tips and use them in your home! Let us know how your clutter journey is going. If you need more tips, be sure to check out some more clutter related posts below:
Ways to keep your home clutter free
How to keep kitchen counters clutter free
If you need help with cleaning tasks around the home, give us a call today!